This book is designed for youth in grades 6–8 to learn about cover crops. It can be used with 4-H projects and clubs, in schools, or in after-school or other out-of-school programs.

It was designed as a standalone project, but it does not need to be used in that way. It may be combined with other project areas or used as a part of a larger agriculture curriculum.

Nonvisual Accessibility Appendix

These pages introduce the book as a whole, including information for 4-H educators or volunteers.

Braille: BRF / DXP
Accessible DOCX / PDF

Module 1A:
A Plant Primer
This set of activities introduces the function of plant structures, with a key activity being a flower dissection.

Braille: BRF / DXP
Accessible DOCX / PDF

Module 1B:
Cover Crops in the Rotation
This set of activities examines what it means to be a cover crop. One activity uses a calendar to show how cover crops fit between cash crop growing seasons.

Braille: BRF / DXP
Accessible DOCX / PDF

Module 1C:
Planting & Harvesting
This module explores engineering, with learners developing methods for harvesting seeds and comparing their methods to those of commercial machines.

Braille: BRF / DXP

Module 1D:
Natural & Artificial Selection
This set of activities explores how plants change over time. Learners take a close look at modern corn and the many varieties of wild cabbage we eat every day.

Braille: BRF / DXP
Accessible DOCX / PDF

Module 1E:
Gene Editing
These hands-on activities to simulate how scientists can use advanced technologies like CRISPR-Cas9 to accelerate the process of artificial selection.

Braille: BRF / DXP
Accessible DOCX / PDF

Module 2A:
Reducing Soil Erosion
Learners work directly with soil to explore the problem of soil erosion and how cover crops help minimize erosion.

Braille: BRF / DXP
Accessible DOCX / PDF

Module 2B:
Pollinator Services
This set of activities explores another benefit of cover crops: as a source of food for pollinators like bees, bats, birds, and butterflies!

Braille: BRF / DXP
Accessible DOCX / PDF

Module 2C:
Cover Crop Products
This set of activities explores how different products can be made from cover crops, in this case different formulations of ink from vegetable oils.

Braille: BRF / DXP
Accessible DOCX / PDF

Module 2D:
Crop Product Supply Chains
This set of activities includes instructions to make sunflower butter and explores the tasks required to make a jar and get it to a grocery store.

Braille: BRF / DXP
Accessible DOCX / PDF

The vast majority of images used in this book were in the public domain or created by the authors. Images and sources of information are listed here.

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